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Tagging Item

Tagging items in Suppa helps organize your knowledgebase and makes it easier to make your AI assisstant access to different knowledge based on conversation. Here's how to effectively tag your items.

Steps to Tag an Item

  1. Access the Item

    • Log into your Suppa dashboard
    • Navigate to the "Knowledgebase" section
    • Find and select the item you want to tag
  2. Open Edit Modal

    • Look for the "Pencil" icon on the item actions menu
    • Click on "Edit" button
  3. Add Tags

    • Type your desired tag into the tag field
    • Press Enter after each tag
    • You can add multiple tags to a single item
  4. Review Existing Tags

    • Suppa may suggest tags based on the item's content
    • You can click on suggested tags to quickly add them
  5. Remove Tags (if necessary)

    • To remove a tag, click on the 'x' next to the tag name
  6. Save Changes

    • Once you're satisfied with the tags, click "Save"

Demo Video

Here is a video that shows how to tag an item in the knowledgebase.

Best Practices for Tagging

Rules of thumb
  • Use clear, concise tags that accurately describe the content
  • Be consistent with your tag formats (e.g., singular vs. plural, capitalization)
  • Consider using a predefined list of tags to maintain consistency across your knowledgebase
  • Use specific tags rather than overly broad ones
  • Avoid creating too many similar tags; consolidate when possible

Benefits of Proper Tagging

Keep in mind
  • Improved searchability of your knowledgebase by your AI assistant
  • Better organization of related items
  • Easier maintenance and updating of related content

Remember, you can always edit tags later if you need to refine your tagging system. If you're unsure about the best way to tag a particular item, consider consulting with your team or reviewing similar items in your knowledgebase for consistency.