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Introduction to Actions

Let's dive into the basics of Actions in Suppa and how they can enhance your digital assistant performance.

What are Actions?

Actions in Suppa are custom API endpoints that you can integrate into our digital assistant platform. These Actions allow you to extend the capabilities of your AI assistant, enabling it to perform specific tasks or retrieve information from your systems when needed.

Why Use Actions?

Actions bridge the gap between AI capabilities of Suppa and your unique business processes or data sources.

By implementing Actions, you can:
  1. Customize Functionality: Tailor your digital assistant to perform tasks specific to your business needs.
  2. Integrate with Existing Systems: Connect your digital assistant to your CRM, databases, or other internal tools.
  3. Provide Real-Time Data: Allow your assistant to fetch up-to-date information directly from your systems.
  4. Automate Processes: Enable your assistant to trigger actions in your backend systems.

How Actions Work

  1. Definition: You define an Action by creating an API endpoint in your system.
  2. Registration: You register this endpoint with Suppa , providing details like the name, tags, and the OpenAPI JSON schema.
  3. Invocation: The AI assistant can call these Actions during conversations, when appropriate. Or you can manually trigger them in canvas.
  4. Response: Your API responds with the requested data or confirms the requested action.
  5. Integration: The AI assistant incorporates the Action's response into its reply to the user.
Here are some sample use cases for Actions:
  • Check Order Status: An Action that queries your order management system to provide real-time updates on order status.
  • Book Appointment: An Action that interfaces with your scheduling system to book appointments for customers.
  • Product Inventory: An Action that checks current stock levels in your inventory system.
  • Create Support Ticket: An Action that generates a support ticket in your ticketing system based on a customer's issue.

Getting Started with Actions

To start using Actions in your Suppa digital assistant:

  1. Identify processes or data sources you want to make available to your assistant.
  2. Create API endpoints for these processes/data sources in your systems.
  3. Use Suppa Actions management interface to register your new Actions.
  4. Test your Actions to ensure they're working correctly with your digital assistant.

For detailed instructions on creating API Actions, please refer to our Adding API Action section in the documentation.

Best Practices for Actions

Rules of thumb
  • Ensure your API endpoints are secure and can handle the expected load.
  • Keep your Actions focused on specific tasks for better manageability.
  • Regularly review and update your Actions to maintain their relevance and effectiveness.
  • Use clear naming conventions for your parameters in actions to make them easily identifiable by the AI assisstant.
  • Implement proper error handling in your Actions so the AI assisstant can provide meaningful feedback.

By leveraging Actions, you can significantly enhance the capabilities of your Suppa digital assistant, providing a more powerful and tailored experience for your users.